UI Design vs UX Design - What's the Difference?

Our team has put together a complete summary of the characteristics of these two design terms. Let's find out together!
When interacting with a digital product, the distinction between UX and UI is so subtle that it raises questions. What factors specifically influence the appearance of the product? How is an almost identical layout perceived in such contrasting ways? What is the role of UX design and when is UI involved?

O que é a design UI?

We're sure you already know that UI-design is short for User Interface. It's a specific visualisation method that allows a particular design choice to be integrated into the digital product. The right design solution influences website conversion and has a direct impact on sales levels. Is it important? Absolutely

Let's consider the following scenario. The user is interested in purchasing a service, such as flower delivery or another type of service. Since the service is intangible, the user can't rely on its physical appearance, as they would with the features of a mobile phone. The success of selling the service depends directly on how the information is presented on the website. The more competently and accurately everything is presented, the more likely it is that a purchase will be made. This is how UI works, making your product stand out from the many similar ones.
What does the abbreviation UI stand for?

Designing the visual aspect of the product

The UI area is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of solutions, whether it's smooth gradients or accent elements, and the product must be intuitive and visually appealing. However, it must work closely with UX. It is generally agreed that even if the user flow and product interaction scenarios are well designed, a site with only basic components or too much plain text is unlikely to be used. Doesn't that sound terrible?

Attracting people to the site

Whether it's a blog, a financial company or an online shop, visual appearance is more likely to influence the user's choice. Especially in the case of complex products, it's important to simplify the design to improve user comprehension and accessibility. If the visitor immediately finds what they are looking for, they will be satisfied.

Design with feelings

This design arouses the right emotion in the user. The right emotion that makes the solution memorable can vary depending on the product. This favourable reaction often results in the product being used and advertised. Feelings are an aspect of the narrative that the designer communicates through images and text.

This is how a successful user interface works: bringing individuals together and forming lasting connections.

What is the role of a UI designer?

A UI designer's main responsibility is to ensure that the user experience on the site is seamless and efficient. Creating a user interface involves developing a clear vision to ensure that visitors quickly understand how to use the product. However, the UI designer has to perform many other tasks to present a visually appealing solution. Let's take a look at them.

The primary responsibilities of a UI designer consist of:

  • Creating the layouts for the pages and screens that the user engages with;
  • Designing buttons, sliders, blocks, switches and additional components;
  • Ensuring that the graphic elements conform to the company's brand identity;
  • Follow the guidelines of the style manual;
  • Cleaning product.

The UI designer usually creates a detailed design guide that offers a specific design solution for each individual pixel of the product.

Included in the skill set of a UI designer are soft skills that need to be honed.

  • Vision, ability to see;
  • Meticulousness;
  • Communication skills;
  • Adaptability, fluidity, versatility, flexibility;
  • Artistic taste.

It's essential to realise that a product without sophistication in its flow and with an elegant UI is not an effective solution. Now, let's move on to discussing the user experience and explore the right way to design a top-notch user experience.

What is UX?

Where does the responsibility of the UX zone begin if the UI is generally understood?

There's no time for explanations, just imagine a door. Yes, a normal entrance door. Have you ever wondered why the handle on that door isn't positioned at the bottom? This is the clearest illustration of an excellent user experience, so obvious that you can't imagine it being any different.

UX involves the user's interaction with the product, the ability to create a product that is familiar and easy to use from the first contact. UX represents the emotions that people experience when they use a product or service. Initially, the user comes first, followed by the interaction. Before starting to create a product, it's important to analyse the user, their motivations and emotions.
Some of UX's main responsibilities include:

Research into interactivity

During this phase, designers thoroughly analyse competitor products, identify user needs and problems, assess convenience and drawbacks, choose the best block and determine the necessary improvements. This phase allows them to design the product, develop and try out prototypes and discard ineffective solutions.

The structure is being worked on

Studying the behaviour of site visitors or application users is essential. The links they access, the way they locate important information, the speed with which they discover specific details and the expectations they have of a product or website. This basic abstract product structure is created on the basis of customer preferences and habits.

Simplifying the user's life

An effective user experience for an application or product results from collaboration and thorough data analysis. Effective UX design occurs when we make choices that understand and fulfil the needs of our users and our company.

By having poor UX design, you are essentially helping your competitors and hurting yourself by driving users away from your site. Every component of your UX design must be highly functional and easy to use in terms of interaction.

What is the role of a UX designer?

The UX designer builds the structure and elements of your product.
Their main functions include:

  • Analysing the target demographic group, generating personas - a representation of the user group. The product is designed with people in mind, prioritising the study of their needs;

  • Creating and building a logical plan. At every stage of design, the UX designer has to understand why things should be done in a certain way;

  • Prototyping involves creating the structure of the site, creating wireframes, developing interaction scenarios and visualising ideas.

What are the main differences between UI and UX?

Although UI and UX may seem similar at first glance, they actually focus on different aspects of a product. How can we differentiate between them? In simple terms, while UI deals with appearance, UX is responsible for the user's experience with the product.

For this reason, it could be argued that user experience leans more towards the technical side, requiring strong prototyping and close examination of customer behaviour. The aim is to ensure that the product is convenient and efficient. However, a creative approach is required when designing the UI. The aim is to capture users' attention and encourage them to try out all the fantastic features.

Despite their differences, both UI and UX play equally crucial roles in the success of a digital product. It's crucial to maintain a balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal. The last thing anyone wants is to use a product that is both appealing and incredibly inconvenient. Or to see a website that is operational, educational and productive, resembling a design from the 1990s.

How do UI and UX work together?

The distinction between UI design and UX design can be bewildering, but it's simpler than it sounds. Let us explain. It has been determined that the UX designer determines the functionality of the UI, while the UI designer determines the aesthetics of the UI. Below is the most basic summary of the information.

How do they collaborate? Well integrated! Now let's look at a well-known example:

  • The product has moved into the development phase;
  • Initially, it started out as an MVP;
  • It was well structured.

The design team came up with a visually appealing design solution. Imagine that, during the development process, the decision was made to promptly include a new feature and that there is now a pressing need to include additional buttons on the screen. This will naturally have an impact on the overall ecosystem of the product structure and may require changing its dimensions or shape. The UX team will decide on the optimal placement of the buttons, while the UI team will modify their design to ensure that everything fits the new layout. The main aim of collaboration between UX and UI designers is to maintain continuous communication. To give an example, see how important UI and UX are in dashboard design.

In the Studio.351 team, we collaborate exclusively with specialists from various disciplines. When developing different digital solutions, our team always includes a design lead, who acts as the project's artistic director, and a qualified UX/UI designer. Based on our experience, we develop a personalised plan that can be adjusted according to the project, while maintaining its core foundation. Whatever the direction or characteristics of the design, the main advantage of this process is the guarantee that the UX and UI are aligned.

This process and an understanding of the project's objectives ensure that the final UI is as good as it can be.


  • What is UI Design and how does it differ from UX Design?
UI (User Interface) Design refers to the visual design and user interaction with a product's interface, while UX (User Experience) Design covers the user's overall experience with the product, focusing on usability and satisfaction.

  • Why are UI Design and UX Design important for a website or app?
UI Design ensures that the interface is attractive and easy to use, while UX Design focuses on making the user experience fluid and efficient. Together, they provide a complete and positive digital experience.

  • Does UI Design only focus on the visual part of the product?
Yes, UI Design is mainly about visual elements such as colours, typography, buttons and layouts. However, it also considers the user's interaction with these elements.

  • Does UX Design involve user testing?
Yes, UX Design usually includes usability testing, where users interact with prototypes to identify possible problems and improve the overall experience.

  • What skills are needed to be a good UI designer?
To be a good UI designer, it's important to have graphic design skills, knowledge of design tools such as Figma or Adobe XD, as well as a good understanding of how to create intuitive interfaces.

  • Which is more important: UI or UX?
Both are essential. UI Design creates a visually pleasing interface, while UX Design ensures that interaction is intuitive and effective. Without one, the user experience will be compromised.

  • Can I learn UI Design and UX Design at the same time?
Yes, it's possible to learn both at the same time, but it's common to start with one and, over time, expand your knowledge to the other. Many professionals end up developing skills in both areas.


Every digital endeavour is like a universe where a whole team collaborates to create each pixel and perfect its pixel perfection. Internal tasks go beyond collaboration between teams and defining areas of responsibility.

In this article, we've established that the UX design team is responsible for creating the flow of the application and deciding how to navigate and satisfy the user based on their needs. The UI design team focuses on the visual appearance of the interface elements on the screen. Each button, each iteration and each additional feature goes through several stages before being approved.

Ultimately, the user will notice the necessary button in due course and won't need to concentrate too much on it, as it will be obvious to them. This is how the process works.