Guide to designing a logo: The best tips

In this guide, we'll simplify the logo design process into small steps, offering you advice on how to create a visually appealing masterpiece that sets your brand apart
In the future, you may find yourself scrolling endlessly through feeds, with companies competing for your attention. Suddenly, a single logo stands out - it's bold, easy to memorise and effectively represents the essence of the brand. Curious, press it. The effectiveness of a well-designed logo emphasises the importance of brands working hard to establish recognition in the market. How can this be done?

Creating a logo can be complicated. Symbols, colour schemes and fonts can be very complicated and cause confusion! Most importantly, the design must encompass the brand's core identity - what sets you apart and why customers would choose you. To help you manage this huge amount of information, we've created this guide for you.

What is a logo?

Before we begin, let's cover some basic information. A logo is a visual symbol that conveys a company's identity and beliefs. It can manifest itself in various ways, such as through text and images, using colours, typography and elements that are central to the company's brand. Designing this emblem is the initial stage in building a visual brand - a feature that captures interest and stimulates recognition of your brand among customers.

A logo is the profile image of your brand

A well-designed logo doesn't just make a good initial impact. For example, consider the Nike swoosh. It's nothing more than just a stylish check mark, right? The symbol creates a sense of movement, as if someone were flying through the air - and truly represents Nike's image as a sportswear company. The real strength of a logo is its ability to convey your brand's narrative in a powerful and unforgettable way.
billntip logo

Guidelines for creating a successful logo design

Now that you understand the impact of a logo on a company's future, it's time to discover the most effective method for creating it. Some people prefer to take advice from a specialist, while others choose to do their own initial research. With clear guidance and a touch of originality, we're going to present 10 simple steps for creating a logo that catches people's attention.

1. Find out why you need a logo

Put simply, having a logo is essentially like uploading a profile picture to your Instagram. A photo helps you identify and connect with individuals, while a logo serves the same purpose for your company. It should attract people's interest and encourage them to find out more about the brand and its products. The logo doesn't have to instantly attract the public to your brand, but it should at least arouse interest for future involvement.

When designing your company logo, you should consider the following:

  • Where do you intend to place it?
  • What advantages do you hope to gain from it?
  • What kind of information (name, product, service or quality) will it contain?

These questions help to form a nebulous idea for the logo design. Some logos are just the initials of the brand (e.g. HP), an object or animal (like Shell) and a metaphorical image linked to the product (like Starbucks). The possibilities are endless and it's up to you to determine which one is right for your company.

2. Consider who your target audience is

The ideal logo is one that connects your brand with your target audience.
The most effective way to create a logo is to see things from the perspective of your target audience. In particular, you can create a list detailing your customers' demographics, interests, social media habits and purchasing choices. Consider asking the following questions:

  • Do they belong to an older or younger demographic?
  • Do they prefer to watch a film alone or go to the pub at weekends?
  • Which social media platforms are they predominantly using?
  • Which factor, price or quality, has more influence on their decision-making process?

To establish connections, a logo must incorporate visual elements, principles and convictions that resonate with its viewers. In this way, you can create a logo that represents these concepts to attract customers. Once again, there is no universal formula, but you need to have an in-depth knowledge of your brand's identity and your target audience to get the best results.

3. Exploring concepts

Looking at an empty page can be daunting, especially when you're trying to create a logo for your fantastic brand. Taking inspiration from various sources, such as websites, magazines and exclusive café signs, can help generate a multitude of ideas for your project. Work like a collector, scouring all possible outlets for the most exceptional logo design inspiration.

Examine the logos of rival companies

Don't blame yourself for looking at your rivals' logos for ideas. Getting ideas from other people, especially those in your sector, increases the likelihood of developing an ideal logo for your brand. By examining your competitors' online profiles and looking at their logos, you will gain valuable information. Take note of the fact that some top marks may share common patterns or elements; don't overlook this and make a point of reference.

On the other hand, think about what makes you different from these rivals. Whilst it's good to follow trends, being unique and standing out is truly remarkable. The logo should highlight your brand's distinctiveness, such as using a bright colour instead of the usual industry neutral tones.

Take part in collaborative idea generation sessions

Whether you're designing the logo yourself or have a team of designers helping you, make sure you communicate with others and don't be afraid to ask for opinions. Engage in in-depth discussions with co-workers, graphic artists or individuals who are open to talking about logos. No theory is inherently good or bad, so make sure you record all your team's conclusions. The quality of the end result is higher the more perspectives you have. Also, don't instantly reject ideas that may seem unconventional - this is how unique and revolutionary innovations are generated.

Imagine the best logo concepts

It's best to sketch out your ideas on paper so that you can share them with others and get their opinion. Just take a pencil and draw whatever comes to mind. Occasionally, a moment of inspiration can result in the perfect logo.

If you're familiar with visual platforms like Pinterest, it can also be a great tool for representing ideas. You can add any logo design that catches your eye to your collection by pinning it. Compiling images helps establish the overall look of your future design and simplifies the creation process.

4. Think about the type of logo you'd like to have

Do you know that there are various logo designs available, from word marks that emphasise your brand name to symbolic icons that make a strong impact? Let's take a look at the most common options to help you determine the ideal choice for your brand.

Logo composed of stylised text, often the name of a company or brand

Word marks can be found in a simple, classic style consisting only of text, which is the name of the brand. Look at the Google or Coca-Cola logos, they all feature the company names without any slogans or symbols. Therefore, if you have a short and unique name, a word mark is suitable to represent the company.

In addition, you can experiment with typography to achieve the desired effects. There are many ways to enhance the public mood with your logo, such as using different fonts, colours, spacing or shapes.

Personalised initials design

Acronyms are great for solving the problem of long company names. Imagine constantly trying to remember ‘International Business Machines Corporation’. Monogram logos come in to save the day in these situations. A nickname is used by companies like IBM for its brevity, catchiness and strong recall - similar to Nike's swoosh logo!

Monograms are simple and easy to say, usually made up of 2-4 letters that are usually the person's initials. HBO, CNN, H&M, LV and other famous logos are widely recognised. On the other hand, monograms may not clearly indicate the nature of the business immediately, especially for start-ups. Over time, a monogrammed logo can gain the same power as a more detailed design if it has strong brand recognition.


Abstract logos allow for more creativity and interpretation than those mentioned above. Made up of shapes such as squares and circles, these symbols can communicate complex ideas that represent your brand. They provoke discussion about the underlying meaning, thus attracting more attention.

Abstract logos often have an unconventional personality and are often unique and personalised. An example of this is the Adidas emblem, which features three stripes and can symbolise movement and advancement. Mastercard's interlocking circles convey a sense of connectivity and security. Although abstract logos may not be immediately clear, a well-designed logo has the potential to become extremely memorable and influential over time.

Logo or symbol representing a brand

When looking for logos, you'll find some that only contain symbols. These are logos or visual symbols, which use colours and shapes to evoke emotions or memories. Whether you prefer a minimalist or intricate design, you have the freedom to select an image that identifies with your brand on a deeper level.

When choosing a brand, it's important to consider brand awareness, even for well-known brands like Apple or Nike, which are easily recognised by their logos. For new companies, a logo that combines symbols and text may be more successful in gaining initial recognition. Over time, a successful brand can use a mark to create a simpler and more powerful visual identity.


An emblem usually combines words and images to evoke a sophisticated or old-fashioned feeling. It includes a specific image or symbol linked to the brand narrative, philosophy or values that the company wants to convey to the public.

The text and images of an emblem are attached to a border, creating the appearance of a vintage postage stamp. Warner Bros, Starbucks, Porsche and Volkswagen are all recognisable brands with logo symbols.

Symbol or person representing a group, team or organisation

Mascot logos are not as common as the other types and usually consist of a fictional cartoon character that symbolises your company. Mascots are usually bright and appealing to children, thanks to their friendly and fun characteristics.

This type cultivates relationships with the public, giving the company a personal touch. Some mascots, such as Pringles, KFC and Duolingo, are popular with families and children. In addition, mascots serve as brand ambassadors and are often seen in sports team logos.


Combination logos mix several elements of the types mentioned above to create a distinctive and adaptable representation of brands. New companies favour them the most to establish their identity and logo.

In design, images and words are positioned above, beside or included in a graphic symbol. The word mark and abstract shapes are a popular choice seen in the logos of LG, Burger King, Paypal and Dove.

5.Select your preferred logo style

Once you have a concept in mind, it's time to choose a logo design. There are countless options to explore, but make sure you base yourself on your brand's identity and core values to discover the most suitable design. If your company values tradition, choosing a classic style should be one of your main options. On the other hand, a new company may be attracted to a simple design aesthetic.

Select a logo design that effectively portrays the essence of your brand.

Some trendy options to consider include animal-themed, which adds a fun touch to showcase your brand (for example, Lacoste's crocodile or WWF's panda), handmade, providing a personal feel and a sense of craftsmanship (such as Starbucks' mermaid), or monochrome with strong contrast and sophistication (such as The New York Times or Yves Saint Laurent's fashion brand). You don't have to stick to a single style, feel free to combine them as you wish.

6. Specify the colours you want to use

Once you've chosen the design of your future logo, the next step is to think about the colours. Psychological research suggests that various colours can provoke a range of emotions and interpretations. It is therefore essential to understand colour theory and how to use it to get the best responses from users.

Select the main shade

Select a colour that you prefer, but it's advisable to choose one that represents your brand identity. In any field, certain colours have a universal meaning. Here's the list we want to share with you so you can make a comprehensive decision.

Delicate shades create a strong sense of identity.
The best choice would be a colour that closely represents your brand's core value.
Consider colour highlights - mix and match

If you don't like black and white, try mixing several shades to create a personalised colour scheme. Imagine a colour wheel - the convenient circle that contains all the colours of the rainbow. Taking this information into account, there are three main methods for choosing the ideal colour combination:

Opposite colours on the colour wheel. Have you ever noticed how red and green stand out when placed next to each other? The strength of complementary colours lies in the fact that they are placed opposite each other on the colour wheel, resulting in a bold contrast that immediately captures attention;

Similar colours. Consider selecting three adjacent colours on the colour wheel, such as red, orange and yellow. They produce a balanced and friendly feeling, ideal for a logo that exudes harmony and attraction;

Triadic colours. This plan uses three colours evenly distributed on the wheel, creating a unique triangular shape. Consider the colours red, blue and yellow - they result in a vibrant and energetic appearance, ideal for companies looking to differentiate themselves.
7. Typography is important, so make sure you focus on it

To finalise the logo design, you also need to choose a typeface that gives it a personalised touch. Recognising the influence of typography, we present the five main font styles, along with brief descriptions of their appearance and usefulness.

Serif fonts

Serifs are a collection of classic, elegant typefaces with small tails at the end of each letter. They are a good choice for brands that appreciate traditional, retro or old-fashioned styles, such as McKinsey&Company, L'Occitane and Burberry. Well-known Serif fonts include Times New Roman, Courier New and Georgia. For those looking to increase their knowledge, be sure to read our specialised article featuring 24 examples of serif fonts.

Sans serif fonts

Unlike serif fonts, sans serif fonts are elegant and fun - a perfect choice for contemporary and simplistic brands. Because of their minimalist design, brands such as Google, Jeep, Spotify and Airbnb use these fonts for their logos. Arial, Helvetica and Calibri are popular.

Fonts with a cursive or handwritten style

These fonts imitate handwritten styles and add a personal touch to the logo. You have the option of choosing from a variety of fonts based on your brand message. Examples of Script fonts include Lobster, Pacifico and Dancing Script, which range from casual to fluid styles. You can consult the logos of Ford, Cartier, Kellogg's and Coca-Cola for guidance.

Presentation fonts

Presentation fonts are the most eye-catching and decorative fonts available. Their appearance is often extravagant and bold, leaving a strong impact on viewers. If you want to publicise your brand, a logo with Display typography is perfect. Take note of Bebas Neue, Raleway and Impact. Examples of Display logos are Disney, Lego and CNN.

Contemporary typefaces

Essentially, these are Sans-serif typefaces with an added touch of elegance. Contemporary typefaces are used in the branding of technology companies, appealing to a younger audience. Examples include Helvetica Now, Nueu Montreal and Open Sans.

In this article and another, we look in detail at typography and fonts.

8.Select the symbols for the logo and the shape

Having decided on the typography, we can now concentrate on incorporating shapes and symbols into your logo. You can start by sketching out a basic shape using geometric, natural or non-representational elements. In the future design, you can incorporate squares, triangles, circles, flowers, the sun, birds or even meaningless elements.

Don't forget that the presentation of shapes and symbols has a considerable influence on the public's image of the brand. It is recommended that you take visual weights into account when designing the logo to ensure that the main element stands out. Otherwise, all the elements can become confused and viewers may have difficulty identifying or understanding the message.

9. Help your designer understand the concept of your business process

All of the above requires creativity, experience and a significant amount of effort, which makes it likely that you'll need to hire a designer to bring your ideas to life. Help him or her convey the essence of your brand, your objectives and the type of your organisation. Consider asking about the reasons for starting the business, the offers to customers or the unique aspects of the product. Then talk to the designer about your company's process and set expectations for the future logo.

Specialists will help advise you on the technical side of the project. They have the knowledge and skills to create a personalised and attractive design for you, whether it involves symbols or colours. Having concise and straightforward explanations about your company is extremely beneficial when designing a top logo.

10.Think about where the new logo will be most used

Logos are used in a variety of media, including company websites, social media platforms, product packaging and marketing material. You may need to decide which ones you will use the most to engage with your target audience. Is the logo attractive on your profile page? If not, who can fix it and how?

However, some logos contain an excessive amount of detail, so it may be a good idea to simplify complex details for smaller uses, such as business cards, while preserving the fundamental identity. Consider seeking the advice of a branding expert who can help navigate these factors and ensure that your logo appears outstanding on all communication platforms. Don't forget that a well-designed logo should have the ability to adapt and be used in a variety of ways.

Ideas for creating an effective logo: Top strategies

All procedures have guidelines, and logo creation is no exception. Understanding all this information can seem a little daunting, but don't worry, we have experience in logo design and will gradually simplify it.

Principles of logo design

Have you ever thought about the qualities a logo needs to be considered truly iconic? Certainly, creative spark and visual appeal are important, but there is also a deeper aspect to consider. Solid design principles form the basis of any memorable sign. Let's examine these fundamentals and unravel the mysteries that transform a logo into an impactful tool for brand identification.

Ease of understanding or clarity

Isn't it always simpler to identify something that is both straightforward and remarkable? The main rule for creating a great logo is simplicity. Consider the apple with a bite or the swoosh symbol - these images immediately provoke recognition and encapsulate the brands they represent.

Basic logos are simpler for the brain to understand and remember, increasing the chances of them being remembered by potential customers. What's more, an elegant design translates effectively across multiple platforms, ensuring that your sign is impressive, from small business cards to large billboards.

The more people remember your logo, the easier it will be to make a connection.


A logo should retain its relevance over the years. While adhering to trends can enhance your style and keep you up to date, your individuality remains constant despite the ever-changing nature of trends, right? Long-lasting design ensures that your brand identity remains recognisable and coherent.

Consider the logos that have essentially become inseparable from the company name. They've been around for a long time and have been easily recognisable to people all over the world for many years! Coca-Cola's curvy script, Adidas' three stripes and IBM's iconic letters are logos that have stood the test of time. They demonstrate that a basic design can endure over time and become a cherished aspect of a brand's identity.


Being unique is a characteristic that makes you stand out. It represents a unique character, helping your brand to differentiate itself from the competition. Consider logos like TikTok's bright musical note, McDonald's golden arches or the famous Olympic rings - they prioritise originality.

To get noticed, experiment with different symbols, colours and fonts without fear. Of course, you should look at the actions of your competitors, but always stay true to yourself. Perhaps add a slight variation to the usual practices in your field, while remaining true to the fundamental identity of your brand. In the end, you want your logo to be unforgettable and not confused with another.

Ability to be remembered

Have you ever wondered why certain logos can be memorised easily, like a catchy song, while others are quickly forgotten? Do an experiment - close your eyes and visualise some logos. What suddenly appears? The extremely basic ones or the incredibly complex ones? It's likely to be a mixture of different factors.

Basic designs and distinctive features act as memory triggers. Seduce your interest and make a lasting impact. So make sure you remember a logo that sticks in your mind the next time you come across it. What colours are prominent? What kinds of shapes are used? Let this information fuel your creativity when creating your own logo. Ultimately, the goal is to create something so unforgettable that it sticks in your potential customers' minds forever.

Capacity for growth or expansion in terms of size, capacity or scope

Remember that you will have to adjust the logo to various media platforms. Therefore, scalability is an important concept, as you want your design to be functional in various sizes. Is it possible to print it on your T-shirt and fit it into the frame of your online profile picture? It's essential to have a vector file to ensure that your logo can be resized without losing quality.

One of the most common mistakes is applying complicated shapes. Reducing elements, such as a logo on a pen given as a gift to a client, can cause them to be blurred. Once again, planning ahead helps reduce the expense of having to redesign your sign in the future.


It can happen that your logo looks great on social media, but terrible on printed materials. This is why adaptability is a crucial feature of an effective symbol. A useful suggestion for creating a universal sign is to ensure that it is reactive.

Imagine that your logo is a decal. You want it to stand out regardless of its placement. Adaptable logos can adjust in size, complexity or colour to fit various locations and positions, whether the background is black, white or a mixture of colours. This ensures that your logo appears sharp, whether it's displayed on a large poster or a small favicon.

Tips for avoiding mistakes during the logo creation process

One of the main mistakes is to blindly follow trends without researching your sector and your audience. It's unfortunate that items lose their relevance as time goes by and when you wake up the next day, you'll find that your logo is no longer up to date. That's why enduring symbols stand up to the challenges of a long existence.

Another problem is combining elements that don't go well together. For example, using a brand logo and fonts that contrast with each other can cause the public to get a confused impression of your brand. Don't use too many styles and colours in your logo design.
Timeless logos

How AI can help in logo design process?

AI can play a significant role in the logo design process, making it faster, more efficient, and even more tailored to your brand’s needs.

Here's how AI can help:

1. Logo Concept Generation
  • Automated Design Ideas: AI-powered design tools (e.g., Looka, Tailor Brands, Logojoy) can generate multiple logo concepts based on specific inputs like your brand name, industry, and preferred style. This can give you a wide range of options to choose from, saving time during the brainstorming stage.
  • Customizable Templates: AI tools often provide editable logo templates, enabling you to easily adjust elements like colors, fonts, and shapes without needing design skills.

2. Data-Driven Design Suggestions
  • Brand Alignment: AI can analyze the key elements of your brand (such as mission, target audience, and values) and suggest logo designs that align with your brand’s personality. For instance, AI may suggest a minimalist design for a modern tech brand or a vintage-style logo for a classic, nostalgic feel.
  • Industry Trends: AI can pull from a database of successful logos in similar industries and recommend design elements that are currently popular or resonate well with your audience.

3. Font and Color Selection
  • Automatic Font Pairing: AI can suggest font combinations that complement each other, ensuring your logo’s typography is visually appealing and consistent with the overall design.
  • Color Psychology: AI can recommend color palettes based on color psychology and what is most likely to resonate with your target audience. For example, AI may suggest blue tones for trustworthiness or vibrant colors for energy and innovation.

4. Refinement and Iteration
  • Instant Feedback: AI tools allow for quick iteration. Once a logo design is generated, you can tweak different elements (shapes, sizes, or layout) instantly to see how changes affect the overall look.
  • A/B Testing: Some AI platforms allow you to A/B test multiple logo versions to gather insights on which design performs better in terms of brand recognition, customer recall, and engagement.

5. Logo Scalability and Versatility
  • Resolution Optimization: AI can ensure your logo is designed with scalability in mind. It can generate logos in different sizes and formats, ensuring it looks great on everything from small icons to large billboards.
  • Adaptation for Multiple Mediums: AI tools can create versions of your logo optimized for various platforms (websites, social media, print, etc.), ensuring consistency across different mediums.

6. Time and Cost Efficiency
  • Faster Prototyping: AI can significantly speed up the logo creation process by automating tasks such as layout generation, color selection, and font pairing, which can be time-consuming for human designers.
  • Reduced Costs: By using AI-powered tools, businesses can access affordable logo design solutions without having to invest in expensive designers or design agencies, particularly useful for startups and small businesses.

7. Logo Evaluation
  • AI-Driven Analysis: AI tools can analyze your logo design based on industry standards and best practices. For example, some AI platforms analyze elements like visual balance, spacing, and symmetry, ensuring your logo has strong visual appeal and impact.
  • Brand Recognition Testing: Some advanced AI tools can test how recognizable and memorable your logo might be by comparing it against successful logos and analyzing design elements that contribute to brand recall.

8. Incorporating User Feedback
  • Crowdsourcing and Sentiment Analysis: Some AI platforms allow users to gather feedback from target audiences or test designs through sentiment analysis tools. AI can help analyze responses to gauge emotional and cognitive reactions to various logo designs, providing valuable insights into which designs are most effective.

9. Consistency Across Design Assets
  • Unified Branding: AI can ensure that the final logo integrates seamlessly into the rest of your brand’s visual assets, such as business cards, websites, and promotional materials. AI tools can automatically adapt the logo for different formats while maintaining consistency in the design.

10. Creative Inspiration
  • Exploring New Ideas: If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, AI can suggest fresh design concepts and combinations that you may not have thought of. It can combine different styles and design principles to offer unique options that align with your vision.

In summary, AI tools can streamline the logo design process by automating repetitive tasks, offering design suggestions, and providing data-driven insights to ensure the final logo reflects your brand identity effectively. While AI can’t replace the creativity and intuition of a designer, it can serve as a valuable tool for accelerating the process and ensuring high-quality, brand-appropriate results.

Logo Design - FAQ

1. What is the logo design process?
The logo design process involves a series of steps that begin with understanding your brand’s values and target audience, followed by brainstorming ideas, sketching concepts, refining designs, and finalizing the logo for various uses. This process ensures the logo effectively represents your brand and resonates with your audience.

2. How do I start the logo design process?
The first step is to define your brand’s mission, values, and target audience. Understand what your brand stands for, the emotions you want to evoke, and how you want to be perceived in the market. Once this is clear, you can move on to brainstorming logo ideas and concepts that align with your brand identity.

3. How long does it take to design a logo?
The timeline for designing a logo can vary. For simple logos or when using AI tools, it may take a few hours to a few days. If you're working with a professional designer or agency, it can take anywhere from one to four weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the number of revisions required.

4. What makes a good logo?
A good logo is:
  • Simple: Easy to recognize and reproduce.
  • Memorable: Sticks in the minds of viewers.
  • Timeless: Not overly trendy and able to stand the test of time.
  • Versatile: Looks good in different sizes and formats.
  • Relevant: Reflects the brand’s values, mission, and industry.

5. Should I design the logo myself or hire a professional?
It depends on your resources and expertise. If you have a solid understanding of design principles and branding, you might create a logo yourself using design tools or AI-powered platforms. However, if you want a unique, custom logo that truly captures your brand’s essence, hiring a professional designer or agency might be the best choice.

6. How can AI help with the logo design process?
AI can assist in generating logo concepts based on brand inputs, suggesting fonts and color palettes, and providing instant feedback on design choices. AI-powered tools can also help with logo refinement, ensuring consistency across digital platforms and testing logo variations for performance.

7. What information should I provide to a designer when starting a logo project?
To help the designer understand your vision, provide:
  • A clear description of your brand (values, mission, target audience).
  • Any specific design preferences or styles you like (e.g., minimalist, vintage, modern).
  • Color preferences or brand colors (if any).
  • Examples of logos you admire or dislike (for context).
  • Usage scenarios (e.g., online, print, product packaging).

8. What are the common mistakes to avoid in logo design?
Some common mistakes to avoid include:
  • Overcomplicating the design with too many elements.
  • Using overly trendy design elements that may become outdated.
  • Choosing a design that’s not scalable or legible in smaller sizes.
  • Ignoring brand consistency and not aligning the logo with your brand’s personality.
  • Failing to test the logo across various platforms and formats.

9. How do I know if my logo is working?
To assess if your logo is effective, consider the following:
  • Recognition: Can people easily recognize and remember your logo?
  • Relevance: Does the logo resonate with your target audience and reflect your brand’s values?
  • Versatility: Does it look good across various mediums, such as websites, business cards, and social media profiles?
  • Feedback: Gather feedback from stakeholders, customers, or a focus group to gauge reactions to your logo.

10. Can I change my logo after it’s been designed?
Yes, logos can evolve over time. However, significant changes should be approached carefully to maintain brand recognition. Small adjustments, like refining fonts or updating color schemes, can help refresh the logo while maintaining its core identity. Major redesigns should be done thoughtfully to avoid confusing your audience.

11. What file formats do I need for my logo?
For versatility, you should have your logo in various file formats:
  • Vector format (AI, EPS, SVG): Ideal for scaling your logo to any size without losing quality.
  • Raster format (PNG, JPG): Used for digital applications like websites and social media.
  • PDF: Commonly used for printing.
It’s important to request both vector and raster versions for flexibility across different platforms and mediums.

12. How much does logo design cost?
The cost of logo design can vary widely:
  • DIY Tools/AI Platforms: Logo generators or design tools typically cost anywhere from €20 to €100.
  • Freelance Designers: Prices may range from €200 to €2,000 or more depending on the designer’s experience and the complexity of the project.
  • Design Agencies: Professional agencies typically charge between €2,000 and €50,000, depending on the level of expertise and scope of the project.


Key steps to create a logo for a company:

1. Define Your Brand Identity;
2. Conduct Market Research;
3. Brainstorm Ideas and Concepts;
4. Choose Logo Design Elements;
5. Use Design Tools or Work with a Designer;
6. Refine and Iterate;
7. Ensure Scalability and Versatility;
8. Finalize the Logo;
9. Develop Brand Guidelines;
10. Launch and Implement.
Admit it - designing a logo takes time and involves understanding the essence of the brand and the preferences of the target audience. You need ideas for designs, tones and fonts - all to establish a connection with your target market and encourage them to find out more about your company.

This comprehensive manual offers detailed instructions on creating a logo from start to finish. Hopefully, you now have a deeper understanding of the process of designing a memorable symbol, whether you collaborate with a professional designer or undertake the task yourself. Remember that creativity is essential to creating a successful logo. If you need a professional logo design, Studio.351 is here to help!